Monday, 29 January 2018

LEGO Tape Is Basically The Sum Of All Your Childhood Dreams Becoming Reality

This LEGO tape is something we only thought possible in Sci-Fi movies, or in our childhood imagination. That was until now. Now, our childhood dreams have become reality, thanks to Nimuno Loops, the toy block tape.
Through an incredibly successful IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign, Nimuno Loops has managed to raise $1.3M in approximately 1 week. With an initial fixed goal of $8,000 for their crowdfunding campaign, they are now 15893% funded and the first LEGO tapes will be arriving to their restless future owners in July 2017.
This is by far one of the most successful IndieGoGo campaigns and with such a product, who could argue? It’s basically what every 90s child wanted while they were growing up, and now they finally made a product for every LEGO fanatic to crave.
LEGO tape allows you to build almost anything. Just leave your imagination to have a crack at it. You can redesign your shoes, your fridge and even your car, and it’s as simple as applying scotch tape.
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LEGO Tape Is Basically The Sum Of All Your Childhood Dreams Becoming Reality
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