Monday, 29 January 2018


# 1I like the idea of God whispering and calling people thots
Yeah, me too. It is sorta funny, gotta give him that one.
I thought that was pretty funny, too. If this was a guy I actually liked And I got this from him, dude might actually get a nice cleavage pic, but not a whole titty pic.
# 2Some men just don’t know how to take a hint
# 3Saved himself after liking pictures I posted from a beach vacation back in May
# 4A convo between two sinhalese people, the dude is mad at the girl for cussing at him in english
# 5After he called me twice. I realize my reaction was dramatic... but seriously??
# 6Totally makes me want you
# 7Really the best way to meet someone?
# 8Nude acquiring 101
# 9I went to high school with this guy but never talked to him before
# 10youre actually a birch
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